All in One Makeup kit
All In One Makeup Kit
Tinted Sunscreen
Mini Brush Set
Duo Concealer
Brow Me Kit 3 in 1
Eyebrow Queen
Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner
Matte Me Love Lipmatte
Golden Shine Banner
New Arrivals
Matte Me Love Lipmatte


USD 14.00
Tinted Sunscreen


USD 26.00
Eyebrow Queen


USD 17.00
Mini Brush Set


USD 31.00
Brow Me Kit


USD 21.00
Duo Concealer


USD 21.00
Best Seller
Duo Concealer


USD 21.00
Brow Me Kit


USD 21.00
Mini Brush Set


USD 31.00
Tinted Sunscreen


USD 26.00
What our customers said
Duo Concealer

Duo Concealer

4 of 5 Rates!

Duo Concealer ni best sebab ada side cerah and gelap sikit. So boleh mix ikut skintone kita. Coverage pun best and mudah nak blend. Memang kita selalu simpan dalam bag untuk touch up.

Elfira Loy
Sweet Roselle Makeup Kit

Sweet Roselle Makeup Kit

4 of 5 Rates!

Makeup Kit is very comprehensive and suitable for beginner yang baru nak belajar makeup sebab dalam satu product lengkap ada semua dan senang nak bawa pergi travel.

Tinted Sunscreen

Tinted Sunscreen

5 of 5 Rates!

Best sangat! Sumpah! Memang setanding international. Senang nak blend, matte tapi ada effect glow2. Boleh tutup segala parut and sangat lightweight. Overall memang best, good job Carya!

Makeup Sponge

Makeup Sponge

4 of 5 Rates!

Ni kali kedua grab makeup sponge ni. Best sangat sebab lembut je sponge nya.

Eyebrow Queen

Eyebrow Queen

5 of 5 Rates!

Mira nak beli Eyebrow Queen lah sebab Mira punya dah kontot. Selalu pakai Eyebrow Queen and mascara sikit bila duduk rumah. Nak bersiap pun senang. Dah jarang pakai eye shadow semua tu.

Mira Filzah
Tinted Sunscreen

Tinted Sunscreen

4 of 5 Rates!

Bila pakai Tinted Sunscreen ni, tak rasa macam pakai apa-apa kat kulit. Lembut dan ringan je. Plus tak nampak bercapuk langsung. Bau pun wangi je.

Mini Brush Set

Mini Brush Set

4 of 5 Rates!

The brushes are very soft and tak sakit bila sapu kat muka. Dah la complete and size kecil sesuai untuk bawa travel. Jimat masa nak pakai sebab brush 2 in 1. Good job Carya!

Duo Concealer

Duo Concealer

5 of 5 Rates!

Recommended especially for beginners. First time jumpa concealer that I constantly fall in love after first try. Patutlah boleh buat jadi as foundation sebab memang tak rasa heavy langsung even nampak mcm heavy but it feels so lightweight!

Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner

Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner

5 of 5 Rates!

Ni tatau la kali keberapa beli produk ni. Dalam banyak² eye liner, ni paling senang pakai

Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner

Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner

4 of 5 Rates!

My favourite eyeliner now. Super pigmented, fast drying and it doesn’t smudge! Was really contemplating on buying because it is more expensive than other international brand but it is worth it!

Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner

Dramatic Liquid Eyeliner

5 of 5 Rates!

Parcel arrived safely! Super love the design of the eyeliner and its colour too. It’s so black and seems like to be so easy handling this eyeliner. Can’t wait to try.

Sweet Roselle Makeup Kit

Sweet Roselle Makeup Kit

5 of 5 Rates!

Kalau nak senang makeup especially time raya atau pergi berjalan mana-mana, bawa Makeup Kit Carya yang baru ni je. Memang travel-friendly!

Wany Hasrita
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Cocoa Classic Makeup Kit
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Sweet Roselle Makeup Kit
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Makeup Kit - Truffle Daring
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19-1, Jalan 24/56, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

Carya Cosmetics HQ

19-1, Jalan 24/56, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

Carya Cosmetics HQ

19-1, Jalan 24/56, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

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